
Can be issued by December 10: to the military in Ukraine will pay up to 3.1 thousand UAH of allowances

The amount of payments is calculated individually and can be from 450 to 3 100 UAH. The military who are currently served can claim money. In Ukraine, special allowances for the Ukrainian military who are now being served have been introduced. Those 24 Channel journalists have understood in who can get these payments and what you need to do. The Ukrainian military may apply for the Independence Day of Ukraine.

Earlier, the term of appeal to the Pension Fund was limited on October 1, but continued until December 10. The allowance is provided to servicemen who received the status of a veteran but did not retire. The amount of the allowance is individual, and depends on the status of the person. It can range from 450 to 3 100 UAH. The subsistence minimum is used to calculate the amount of payments. It is now 2 093 hryvnias.

The calculation of the allowance is made in the following ratio: it is worth noting that the Independence Day allowance is an alternative to payments for Victory Day. This money can receive war veterans, the victims of the Nazi persecution, military and citizens who have special merit to the Motherland. Recall that servicemen who have lost their ability to work or have received the status of a person with a disability can receive privileges. This requires the conclusions of the VLK.