
In Russia for war in Ukraine plan to send debtors from housing (document)

In Novosibirsk, the head of Leninsky district sent a letter to managing companies with a request to provide information about debtors with housing and communal services. The data is allegedly necessary to "assist the military commissariats". The Russian Federation launched a mass campaign for the war for the war in Ukraine for payment of housing and communal services. In this way, the authorities are trying to fulfill a plan for a set of contractors for the army, writes The Moscow Times.

Novosibirsk authorities have asked managing companies to provide information about utility debtors. The corresponding letter was sent by the deputy chairman of the Leninsky district Yuri Ovcharenko. The information is allegedly necessary for the "assistance of the military commissariats" regarding the recruitment of citizens for military service. A copy of this letter was anonymously sent by the reader of Siberian Express.

According to the published document, on February 26, Viceher Gennady Zakharov held a meeting on a set of contractors. On March 4, the letter was published in her Telegram-channel by the deputy of the City Council Svetlana Kerzin. She noted that a similar situation occurs in other areas of the city. In particular, in the Krasnoyarsk bailiffs, they were instructed to find citizens who owed utilities and have no work.

Russian media reports that in general, according to the Federal Bailiffs Service, 8 million utility debtors. The total debt of the end of March 2023 reached almost 900 billion rubles. The deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev previously stated that in 2023, half a million people were involved in the Russian army. According to him, most of them - 420 thousand people - signed contracts with the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, and 80 thousand are "volunteers".