
Sumy region is judged by a man for a homemade weapon he made for protection against Russians (video)

The accused did not admit his guilt, so the court appointed the next meeting on August 22 - then should study the written evidence. The man is threatened with seven years in prison. In the Trostyanets Court of Sumy Oblast, a case is considered to be an illegal handling of weapons that a resident of Kamianka village Vitaliy Kukol made on its own at the beginning of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation to protect its settlement from the occupiers. This was reported by "Public".

According to Judge Oleksandr Ogienko, on February 25, 2022, the accused of a fragment of a metal tube and a hand -made wooden arm made a single -barrel dung gun with a gnostic inflammation, and also illegally made a single -barrel shotgun with a capsule. However, Vitaliy Kukol himself claims that he did not use those weapons, and after the war he wanted to transfer it to one of the museums.

According to journalists of "Public", in the fall of 2023, Kukol told them how with the villagers at the beginning of a full -scale invasion were prepared to defend from the Russian troops Kamianka. At the same time he showed his own weapons. When the judge asked if he pleaded guilty, the coil replied: "Absolutely not. " Because of this, the judge decided to carry out the full procedure for the study of evidence.

"To begin with the study of criminal proceedings, to further investigate material evidence in criminal proceedings, to interrogate witnesses in criminal proceedings and in the last place to interrogate the accused himself, taking into account the requirements of Article 63 of the Constitution of Ukraine," the judge said. The next court hearing was appointed on August 22. Then they have to study written evidence. Vitaliy Kukol is charged with the article "Illegal handling of weapons".