
Our path is the path of independence, territorial integrity, integration with the civilized world, the path of the Russian Federation - defeat and shame - the appeal of the President of Ukraine

Ukrainians! Ukrainians! The enemy began this day with a conscious and absolutely calculated murder of Ukrainians in Zaporozhye. Missile strike on a civilian motor. As of this time, 30 dead. Almost a hundred wounded and injured. The Russian military knew where their rockets would get. It did the inhuman. From the first to the last. From the one who gave this order, and to anyone who executed this order. They will answer. Necessarily. Before the law and before people.

People! That is why we are confident in our victory. That is why we took the initiative in the war. That is why we are now achieving tangible results on the battlefield . . . And this is very important. Congratulations to the heroes! Because we remain people and gain support from people - from all people of the world. From everyone and everyone who feels pain when he learns of conscious murder innocent people. In Moscow there was some next farce there. Something was celebrated there.

Something was chanting there. Singing on the square. They talked about Zaporozhye . . . When they themselves arranged this in Zaporozhye. Inhuman. Eternal memory of all those killed from Russian terrorist attacks! Ukraine has made a decision today. They will all be realized. NSDC and pond decisions. I have reported in detail this day about our application for joining NATO for an accelerated procedure.

And about the obvious readiness of Ukraine for negotiations with the Russian Federation - but with another President of Russia, who will understand what is happening. Now I want to add something about the NSDC decision on sanctions against Russian individuals and legal entities. There is a really big list, rather loud names. However, we do not focus on volume, but to really dismantle the Russian influence and at the same time influence the state of affairs in the Russian Federation itself.

Therefore, restrictions on several thousand subjects are imposed. The sanctions of Ukraine and our partners are synchronized. New sanctions against key personalities are being implemented against significant Russian enterprises. Of course, sanctions will also be applied to those citizens of other countries who participated in the Russian farce in the occupied territory of our country.

Pseudo -referendums are elements of aggression against a sovereign state, and anyone involved in organizing or conducting this farce will be held accountable. Today I spoke with Japan and Denmark Prime Ministers. Of course, they condemned the next Russian steps to escalation.

Thank you for their support! I thank all the leaders of partner states, all political and public figures of the world, who have already promptly expressed in defense of Ukraine and international law! I personally thank President Biden, Congress, our friends in Europe and anyone who already increases sanctions against Russia and is already taking powerful steps to increase Ukraine's defense and financial support! We need to liberate all our land, and it will be the best proof that international law and human values ​​will not break any terrorist state, even such as Russia as Russia.

We have significant results in the east of our country. This is already enough public information. Everyone heard what was happening in the estuary of Donetsk region. These are steps that mean a lot to us. And I thank all our fighters for the implementation of this element of our defense plan! It is very important.

Especially I would like to celebrate the fighters of the 10th Separate Mountain Assault Brigade and the 54th Separate Mechanized Brigade for constant courage and heroism in the Siversky and Bakhmut directions. As well as our servicemen of the 214th Separate Rifle Battalion, Special Operations Forces and the 103rd Separate Brigade of Terroboron for the release of Yampol. I thank the units of our intelligence - GUR, as well as the Security Service of Ukraine. The path of our country is complex.

The path is clear. It is a path of independence, territorial integrity, integration with the civilized world and social development. The path of our enemy is also absolutely clear - defeat, shame and condemnation. And one more. Every year on the last day of September Ukraine celebrates adoption day. This is, in my opinion, an important day. It is a day of special respect for those whose hearts are large enough to give family warmth to children who are left without parental care.