
A record Chinese rocket launcher made a debut from a ship in the sea (video)

The first flight of Gravity-1 rocket launcher from Orienspace was a impressive sight. On Thursday, January 11, from the deck of the ship in the Yellow Sea, a new Chinese Gravity-1 rocket launched, created by Orienspace, went into space into space. The ignition of solid fuel rocket motors has led to the appearance of large plumes of exhaust gases, while several impressive large pieces of garbage fell into the water, Space writes. In focus. Technology has appeared its Telegram channel.

Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! According to Orienspace, a 3-commercial meteorological satellite of Yunyao-1 was launched from ORIEnspace. This rocket can deliver 6. 5 tons of useful cargo to a low Earth orbit, and as a result of a successful debut flight, GRAVITA-1 has become the most powerful Chinese commercial missile, as well as the most powerful solid fuel rocket.

Also, this rocket became one of the few who managed to fly into space on the first attempt and the first, which made its debut launch from the floating platform. Orienspace plans two more launches of Gravity-1 missiles in 2024. But this rocket will only be the first in the list of future developments of the Chinese company, if everything goes according to plan.

Orienspace is engaged in the development of a more powerful Gravity-2 rocket, the main degree of which will have kerosene engines and solid fuel missile accelerators. The first launch of this rocket is scheduled for 2025. The Gravity-2 rocket will be able to bring more than 25 tons of amounts to orbit. Orienspace is also developing an even more powerful Gravity-3 missile that will work on kerosene and liquid oxygen.

This rocket will include three major Gravity-2 degrees, just as Falcon Heavy Falcon Heavy includes three Falcon 9 rockets. This rocket will be able to deliver almost 31 tonnes of amounts to a low Earth orbit. For comparison, Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy missiles can deliver about 25 tons and 70 tons, respectively. For China, launching Gravity-1 has become a fourth mission in orbit since the beginning of the year.

Recently, the country has increased the frequency of launching rocket launches to a striking level, while the private sector plays an increasingly important role in this process. If in 2022 China launched 64 missiles in orbit, in 2023 there were already 67 launches. As the focus has already written, only 3. 5 months later, scientists with NASA finally managed to open a container with samples taken on Asteroid Benn and delivered on Earth back in late September last year.

Studying stones and dust is most important for understanding the history of the emergence of the solar system, as Benn's asteroid is a kind of capsule that stores useful information for billions of years. Focus also wrote that the long -awaited flight of astronauts will not take place for the month, as planned, next year, but will take place in 2 years.