
With one blow all Division: Scouts showed how they destroyed Russian C-400 (video)

The Russians have lost the air defense system in the spring, but the frames of a successful operation have been made public only now. The C-400 Triumph complex was destroyed on the second attempt. On the front there is a decrease in the combat capabilities of Russian invaders. Defense forces destroy both the enemy's personnel and his weapons, which he terrorizes Ukrainians. The scouts showed how the C-400 air defense system was affected, Ukrainian Pravda reports.

It is about the 15th Brigade of the Black Forest, the fighters of which were harmful to the Russians and destroyed their anti-aircraft missile complex of the large and average radius of C-400 "Triumph". It happened in the spring of this year, but the entry was only now. The commander of the platoon of unmanned aviation complexes, Konstantin stressed that finding hostile weapons is not difficult and the main problem was to hit him.

The fact is that the C-400 usually protect a few less strong air defense systems that are set up to destroy everything around, including intelligence drone. The scouts of the 15th Black Forest Brigade had a general understanding where the defense of the Russians could be problems, but did not exclude that they may have remedies. With every kilometer of UAV, operators' voltage increased and the first drone crashed. "In fact, sending the second board was a blunt solution.

Because if you were beaten for the first time, then the enemy works in active mode. They are unlikely to sit:" Ah, well, we go away, we go to rest. " no more than a chance, ”Konstantin shares. As a result, the fighter continues, the crew still made this "stupid" decision and the plan worked. Happy operators saw the enemy complex C-400 on the screen. "In certain areas there are" C-300 "and" C-400 "that constantly make some maneuvers, displacement.

And no one touched these, they were far from the front line-and at all relaxed. Usually the Russians keep separately and launchers, Both radar stations and command points. Continued Constantine. He also noted that the equipment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was sometimes really good, because the complex intercepted the missiles that were running on it, but the rest flew and burned Russian "analogue".