
The war scenario became negative. What Ukraine came with the end of 2023, and what will happen next

The course of the war becomes more and more difficult for Ukraine, in addition, in all parameters - front, diplomatic, psychological. But, recognizing this, the analyst Alexander Kochetkov notes that any war is like a pendulum, and he will still swing in our direction! No illusions are needed: the situation on the front is almost critical. The intermediate scenario of war turns into a negative one.

Intermediate - this is when the Armed Forces began the offensive, they did not reach the sea and the Crimea because they were stopped by the enemy, and a new line of contact was recorded. Negative is when the enemy started a counter -offensive and moved us even further than we were before our offensive. Already at the level of our commissioners it is reported that the enemy is attacking all fronts. In certain directions, he advanced more than one kilometer in a week.

The only position where the aggressor does not have noticeable success is our bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnieper in Krynki. But a bridgehead that is not expanding will be sure to turn into a senseless "unbreakable fortress" like Bakhmut, where our heroes will die without noticeable influence on the overall course of war. What the enemy has reached now is not a breakthrough of the front.

Let me remind you that at the beginning of its offensive, the Armed Forces advanced to twenty kilometers, then became. Even last year, Russia tried to seize Donetsk and Lugansk regions, it almost succeeded, but still the troops of the aggressor were stopped. And then the Armed Forces were liberated Kharkiv and Kherson. However, today the situation is fundamentally different.

Although, as now, the aggressor prevailed us by the number of troops, as well as in aviation, artillery, armored vehicles, but we were on lifting. We were received by modern howitzers and the famous "Himars", which destroyed hostile logistics and everything they came to. We began to widespread the FPV-punks that the enemy was naked in massively. We expected invulnerable, as it seemed, "Leopards", "Abrams" and "Bradley". Significant Armed Forces reserves were prepared at NATO landfills.

Ukraine was at the center of positive attention of the world. We have believed that we were able to be surprisingly, on a modern victory over a great and powerful enemy, but which will degrade and voluntarily Sun in the Middle Ages. Almost everyone wanted to help us somehow. Because everyone wants to be tangent to win. And no one wants to defeat. Today, the non -imperia is night -to -do with our corrected aircraft, which we are virtually powerless. She began to release them during the war.

Russian armored vehicles are burning in the Ukrainian steppes, but the enemy launched the production and reconciliation of old Soviet tanks and armored personnel carriers - this is also during the war. Underlymperia has established a smuggling, but stable supply of chips for control systems and already produces more significantly more than we, different drones. In particular, FPV-puzzles with thermal imaging, bargage ammunition such as "Lancet". There is no need to mention the infamous "chema".

Oddly enough, for some reason they do not destroy the enemy bravurny announcements Cover of losses. The enemy began to prevail in motivation in a strange way. The orcs are rolled and all over. Because we believe that we have exhausted and during the conjunctural pause of allies can be squeezed. Russia has been able to get the impression in its society that there is virtually no wars and that they win Ukraine without the ruling.

The non -imperial myth of Russian supervistion, which points the path of humanity, is successfully split. Instead, after an unsuccessful offensive, the Ukrainian authorities seem frankly confused. We do not hear from her sober assessments of the situation and realistic plans to achieve victory or at least the end of the war. Instead, the propaganda syrup continues to pour from the official TV. All the orientation of our power is exclusively on Western partners, not on Ukrainian society.

At the request of assistance that they already do not want to provide, instead of awakening of the liberty creative force of Ukraine. Not a honest conversation with Ukrainians. Not on decisive steps to change the inefficient system of government, which is obvious - does not allow you to defeat a powerful enemy. So what is time to run around the world by creating automobile congestion on the border with Poland on our part? No. Because war is an oscillatory process.

Now the pendulum, as well as at the beginning of the war, swings to the side of the enemy, he triumph in advance. But the reverse movement will be guaranteed. It is fundamentally important that our energy is added to this reverse movement. It is necessary to start "heroically rescuing Europe from the Russian invasion", as our leaders like to repeat, but to fight with the tension of all the forces for the existence of Ukraine - as it was at the beginning of the invasion.