
The Russian Federation is ready for peace talks with Ukraine: Lavrov voiced the conditions

According to Russian diplomat Sergey Lavrov, it is first of all necessary to eliminate the root causes of the conflict of Kiev and Moscow. In addition, the Kremlin is ready to speak solely about peace, not a truce. The principle of equal and indivisible security should be based on the settlement of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. This opinion was voiced by the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in an interview with "RIA Novosti".

According to him, the idea of ​​holding the so -called peace conference, in which both Moscow and Kiev would participate, can be a possible continuation of efforts from China. Beijing agreed to participate in the negotiations only if both sides were present there. "We share the position that first of all it is necessary to eliminate it (crisis - ed.

) The root cause, to ensure the legitimate interests of all parties with further entry on the basis of the principle of equal and indivisible security. I emphasize again: this implies respect for the realities "On the ground" that reflect the will of people living there, "said Sergei Lavrov. At the same time, the Russian diplomat claims that the Kremlin allegedly remains open to start negotiations with Ukraine, but this will happen only if it is about peace rather than a truce.

If another scenario happens, according to Moscow, Kiev "takes advantage of the moment". "We have repeatedly said, in particular at the highest level, that Russia remains open for negotiations . . . It makes no sense to give the enemy a pause, which he will once again use for regrouping and re -equipment," - summed up Sergey Lavrov. We will remind, on May 25 it was reported that the ISW assessed the readiness of the Russian Federation for real negotiations on Ukraine.