
Iran will pass the Russian ballistic missiles in Ukraine in the coming days - ISW

According to analysts, Iranian ballistic missiles will save Russians to save rockets of their own production type "Iskander" and accumulate them for combined attacks on long -term Ukrainian purposes. Iran will be handed over to Russia by the ballistic missiles in the coming days, regulated in December 2023. This is stated in the report of the American Institute of War Study (ISW) for September 2.

"It is expected that Iran will inevitably deliver ballistic missiles to Russia to support the Russian invasion of Ukraine," the report reads. Analysts have specified that an unnamed European official reported that Iran could start supplying ballistic missiles to Russia for several days.

The sources of European intelligence services in August 2024 informed the Reuters agency that Iran and Russia signed a contract in December 2023 for the supply of Iran's Ballistic Missiles of the near Radius Ababil and Ballistic missiles Fateh-360 to Russia. Intelligence sources have added that dozens of Russian servicemen are currently undergoing preparation of Fateh-360 missiles in Iran.

"The acquisition of ABABIL or Fateh-360 Ballistic missiles by Russia will probably allow Russian troops to strike near Ukrainian purposes, while maintaining Russian reserves of domestic production missiles, such as" Iskander ", for distant Ukrainian purposes," the ISW stressed, " . Ababil is a small Iranian rocket 3. 7 m in size, which weighs 240 kg and has a range up to 86 km.

It exists in two versions: with satellite and inertial navigation, and also has an additional optical-electronic guidance system in the final area. The name Ababil comes from the mythical birds of black strings destroyed by the Ethiopian army. Fateh-360-Iranian ballistic missile, which has a length of 5. 1 meters, with a diameter of 368 mm, a total weight of 787 kg, from which the combat part accounts for 150 kg and reaches a speed of 4 Mach, flight range up to 120 km.