
"More terrible than FPV": an expert revealed what is dangerous for the Armed Forces new Russian drones "Molnia"

The Russians predict the cheap FPV-Drons of aircraft type popularity, but these UAVs differ in their efficiency, says Viktor Lokotkov from Airlogix. Russian invaders publish in the network of staff of work of a new FPV-aircraft of aircraft type "Molnia". The effectiveness of the Russian UAV was evaluated by Viktor Lokotkov, the head of the Airlogix marketing marketing department, which creates unmanned Aviation Complexes of GOR in the focus comment.

Judging by the video that appears in Telegram channels, the occupiers use the UAV "Molnia" in the Siversky direction and in the time spring. The Russian Telegram-channel "UAV INFORM" also posted a photo of a new drone, noting that he was predicted by the popularity of lancet bargage ammunition. Viktor Lokotkov noted that for the production of "Molnia" Russians use the cheapest Chinese electronics. The housings are made of plywood, veneer, foam and 18mm aluminum pipes.

It is possible to make such a device in two hours. The drone is equipped with a quadcopter autopilot system and does not have a GPS module, so it is controlled only by hand. "If the connection is lost, this apparatus flies out," the focus expert said. According to Viktor Lokotkov, the mentioned UAVs are faster than the usual FPV-punks, but their effectiveness is about the same-one of the eight will get. To combat it, the same methods are used for FPV.

At the same time, the expert stressed that any shock decisions can be dangerous, and similar simple devices can be produced in Russia in large numbers. "FPV is more frightening, as it goes to the target and has a greater range, but does not definitely reach the" lancet ", - says Viktor Lokotkov.

As for the technical characteristics, the expert evaluated them as follows: Recall that in August 2022 in Russia declared that Development of a new multi -purpose UAV "Thunder" within the framework of the state order. .

При цьому військовослужбовці спецаеропідрозділу ЗСУ "Птахи Мадяра" вже отримали для тестування новий безпілотник, який може нести на собі FPV-дрони поменше. БПЛА-дрононосій поєднує в собі функції розвідки, скидання, а також перевезення десятка FPV-дронів на далекі відстані.