
Does Ukraine lose in the war against the Russian Federation: Analysis of The Economist (infographics)

The Ukrainian army did not obtain major territorial achievements in 2023, but was successful in the Black Sea, which testifies to the continuation of the struggle. The Russian-Ukrainian war in 2023 was almost unchanged in territorial achievements. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy states that Ukraine will return all the captured territories. In early February, the military leadership was changed. The Economist prepared charts and maps with what happens after two years of fighting.

At the peak of the Russian-Ukrainian war of the Russian Federation controlled 22% of the territory of Ukraine, including the occupied territories since 2014. Ukraine was able to hold a counter -offensive and repel a large part of the captured territories. However, in 2023 there were almost no territorial changes. According to the publication, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation captured 0. 2% of the Ukrainian territory. This situation on the battlefield has caused concern to Ukrainian allies.

On February 16, the King Institute of the World Economy showed data according to which general assistance from Europe exceeds the assistance sent by the United States. However, US military assistance is still ahead of Europe. In the Russian Federation, the advantage in ammunition, because they produce and receive them from the DPRK.

By March, Europe will supply about 500,000 shells from the promised 1 million combat tracker of the publication shows an increase in the activity of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the last 30 days before February 20. The Russian Federation seized Avdiivka. Now cities in the eastern parts of Ukraine are afraid that they will become the next target. Ukraine has more success at sea.

Without the traditional fleet, Kiev causes serious damage to the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. 25 ships and one submarine were destroyed, 15 is under repair. The rest of the Russian ships are forced to act a long distance from the Ukrainian coast. Ukraine has created a corridor for grain exports - it is a direct evidence that Kiev continues struggle and economy can develop. However, efforts need to be activated to restrain the Russian Federation on land for another year.