
"Remember Mom-Data": Russian recruiter confessed how fighting in Ukraine (video)

The Casha's Cabinet acknowledged that in 24 years he did not see such a war as in Ukraine. According to him, staying crippled is a "certain plus". Journalists found out how the Russian PEC "Redut" operates and under what conditions they hire fighters there. This is known from the program "System" TV channel "Infants". According to media reports, Redut PEC participates in the war in Ukraine and its mercenaries are fighting in the "bloodiest sections of the front".

In total, there are at least 20 armed groups, that is, tens of thousands of fighters can be. Investigators claim that "redoubt" is a secret system of recruiting for the war, which is controlled by the main investigative management of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (GRU). One of the journalists contacted PVC recruiters to find out more about it.

The Windower "Gonets" immediately acknowledged that "redoubt" is an "analogue of PVC", which is financed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the recruiter Nadiya directly stated the organization of the organization. This also confirms that some of the fighters are trained at the landfill of Russian military intelligence. The meetings also take place in the temporarily occupied Mariupol and in Russia, in particular in the Timosha Hotel. "You come there, you go.

On the ground floor, boys are sitting. You say, hi, I'm from the cache. They will already send you - what, where and why," - explained one of the recruiters of PVC. He assured that the "boys" would not be able to confuse. However, Kesha immediately warned that the hotel is better to do without drinking, because "adventures" can turn into problems through evening checks. Journalists found that Rediva mercenaries conclude a contract with a legal entity that does not really exist.

One of the recruiters directly called PVC "Fictitious Company". The salary of mercenaries is promised from 110 thousand rubles (ie 33 thousand hryvnias), when staying in the war zone - the salary is twice as high. Anyone who wants to "join" has a special check - for connections with Ukraine. "The war is quite tough. I have been in this topic since 1999 and I have not seen in many conflicts. I have not seen it yet.

Let's say not in all the spirit is enough, because when you hide art, you remember the mom-dad, all relatives,"-said Kesha's Call. At the same time, he noted that there is a "certain honey". Kesha explained that it was a "free drug" - adrenaline. "You are like a widow. Adrenaline addiction cannot be cured at all. Therefore, no matter how the person is - without his feet, without his hands - who at least once passed this topic, will return here repeatedly," he said.

The recruiter of "Rediva" warned that war is not "jokes", and the fighting is rigid. According to him, the front is not daily, but "quite often". "It is not painful to die - it hurts to be crippled. But it is also some plus - still alive," he added. Recall that in Russia sell mobilized in the assault teams of PEC "Redut". The price of one soldier is only 272 dollars. GUR Yusov, a representative of GUR, stated that Russia uses "redoubts" to carry out covered mobilization.