
The Russian Federation launched an offensive in the Kharkiv region earlier than planned: ISW named the reason

According to analysts, the Kremlin probably did not believe that the United States would restore assistance to Ukraine, and therefore the command of the Russian Federation would have to review many of its plans for summer offensive operations. Russia had to start off the offensive in Ukraine earlier than it was planned because the United States had unlocked military assistance. This conclusion was reached by analysts of the American Institute for War Study (ISW).

The report of May 22 states that Russian invaders launched limited offensive operations along the border in the north of the Kharkiv region on May 10. Experts suggested that the Russians were forced to start the offensive before they planned. At the same time, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation involved a limited amount of forces for severe infantry attacks north and northeast of Kharkiv.

However, as reported, on May 14, the pace of offensive operations of the Russian Federation began to slow down. The Russian command wants to create a "buffer zone" on the international border. The deeper invasion of the Kharkiv region may not be included in the occupiers' plans. The report states that Russia launched an offensive along the border with the Kharkiv region to distract Ukrainian troops.

According to analysts, the Kremlin probably did not believe that the United States would restore assistance to Ukraine, and therefore the command of the Russian Federation would have to review many of its plans for summer offensive operations. ISW noted that the Russian military command probably suggested that simultaneous offensive efforts in the Kharkiv region and along the current front line in eastern Ukraine would stretch and break the Ukrainian forces.