
Ukraine can take part in a peaceful summit of China with the participation of the Russian Federation: the ambassador called an important condition

Ukraine, the diplomat said, has never seen China with its opponent. On the contrary, Beijing is an important player who can help put an end to the war with Russia. The peace summit in Switzerland is successful from a diplomatic point of view, despite the absence of many Asian countries, including China. Ambassador of Ukraine to Singapore Kateryna Zelenko said about it, as the Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post.

"The fact that the summit took place is an important milestone throughout the peaceful process of finding ways to a just, strong and comprehensive peace for Ukraine," she said. According to her, all continents were represented by 100 delegations, and this is a specific number of states that sends to Moscow a clear signal that the world does not tolerate a violation of Russia by Russia, the UN Charter and the principles of world order based on the rules.

The ambassador also stressed that Ukraine "does not see and never saw China with its opponent," and instead wants to see Beijing "her friend". In addition, Ukraine will consider the possibility of participating in a peaceful summit under the leadership of Beijing with the participation of Russia, provided that negotiations will be based on "rules and principles enshrined in the UN Charter, international law," Zelenko said.

Although the recent summit was a encouraging step for Ukraine, Zelenko stated that before the end of the war ahead was a long way. "The summit has marked the process of finding paths to a strong peace in Ukraine. This is only a beginning. This is followed by work with special groups, advisers and ministers dedicated to different elements Without the other, it is impossible to focus only on the release of prisoners of war without withdrawing troops.