
The EU is preparing new sanctions against the Russian Federation to interfere with the previous restrictions - the media

According to journalists, the main purpose of European officials and allies is to prevent the Kremlin's efforts to buy the goods needed for the production of military equipment. The EU and G7 countries are working on the 12th package of sanctions against Russia. It may include a ban on importing Russian diamonds. About it writes Bloomberg. According to journalists, European officials also want to focus on restricting Moscow's ways to go through previous restrictions.

It is noted that the work on the development of a mechanism, which will also allow to track the diamonds of the Russian Federation across the borders. In addition, the EU may expand the list of goods that Russia can use for military purposes. The main purpose of European officials and allies is to prevent the Kremlin's efforts to buy the goods needed for the production of military equipment.

The publications write that G7 countries want to find more effective ways of providing a price ceiling for Russian oil, as its prices have long exceeded the $ 60 per barrel. The material states that EU countries are slowly moving to the introduction of unforeseen income from frozen assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and their use to restore Ukraine. However, as the journalists noted, there is still a long time.