
Russia has lost the opportunity to create a new front in Ukraine - Business Insider

The journalists explained, although Russia does not count on a breakthrough, it still has an initiative, and Ukraine will remain vulnerable for some time, since military assistance is slowly coming. The occupying army of the Russian Federation has lost the opportunity to open a new front in Ukraine, and its offensive in Kharkiv region is gradually slowing down. Business Insider writes about it. "If you have a month ago, the situation for Ukraine looked gloomy.

When the Putin troops crossed the border in the Kharkiv region on May 10, the defense was so weak that one soldier said the Air Force that they" just entered, "the material said. A few villages. The Russian army was announced quickly, after which the city of Vovchansk was announced, but then the Russian troops have not advanced The activation of the Russians had to transfer the necessary units from the time ravine to reflect the attack.

Prepared units, her troops may "be able to" at least start surrounding diet and control key highways ", but now this opportunity is lost. At the same time, he said that the Kharkiv offensive, despite the great expectations of the Russians, eventually reached its goal, "caused increasing pressure on Ukrainians. " Business Insider journalists explained that although Russia is not counting on a breakthrough, it still has an initiative.