
Further without the Russian Federation: Lithuania refuses Russian liquefied gas

Russian liquefied gas for regasification facilities in Lithuania was delivered from Poland. Now the import, loading and degassing of Russian liquefied natural gas in the country will be prohibited. In November, Lithuania introduces a ban on the import of Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG). The corresponding amendments to the Law on Natural Gas was adopted on October 26, 2023, reports LRT.

According to Lithuanian Dynus Kravis's Energy Minister, Russian liquefied gas from Poland was received by the country. Cryogas M&T Polska was supplied. The state now prohibits the import, loading and degassing of Russian liquefied natural gas (LNG) in its territory. The publication also states that the import of LPG from Russia to Lithuania through the Klaipeda terminal was stopped in March 2022. And in April, the import of Russian gas with pipelines was stopped.

Last May, Lithuania officially stated that she refused to buy Russian energy. It was about natural gas, oil and electricity. The country has decided to provide the population with gas with the help of a Klaipeda terminal of liquefied natural gas. He, in particular, received blue fuel from the United States. The needs for Lithuania have been closed since then by local sources and imports through connections with Sweden, Poland and Latvia.

As the Lithuanian Energy Minister then explained, the country wants to support Ukraine because of a full -scale invasion of the Russian Federation and does not want to sponsor the Russian army, which, when receiving money from energy selling, kills Ukrainians. Meanwhile, Russia has lost the status of gas exporter to the European continent. Thus, in September, DW reported that exports of Russian gas pipeline to Europe decreased by 60% and amounted to 62 billion cubic meters.

For this reason, Gazprom even had to reduce production by a fifth. At the same time, they want to get rid of Russian energy in the European Union. Thus, the plans of EU countries-to reduce Russian gas imports to 40-45 billion cubic meters in 2023. And on October 24, 2023, information appeared that Italy signed a long -term contract for the supply of liquefied gas from Qatar, instead of Russian.