
Ukrainians have learned to make "brains" for drones regardless of China: how it will strengthen the Armed Forces

The components of Ukrainian production make the cost of harvesting drones less and reduce the dependence on supply. The "Brain" of the drone has learned to produce Wild Hornets in Ukraine, a group of Ukrainians who produce drones, creates controllers for drones that help to get rid of Chinese counterparts. About it reports forbes video manufacturers of drones shows how to collect printed boards with the help of industrial machines.

The commentators recognized an industrial machine on it for collecting small drones of the field controller. Wild Hornets has taken a big step forward to produce FPV-auctions for the Ukrainian military. Flight controller is a drone autopilot that combines the brain (processors) and sensations (sensors, gyroscopes and accelerometers). It stabilizes the drone and provides a smooth flight.

Although other elements, such as cameras and radios, may be more common products, flight controllers are specific to drones. As a rule, the controller is the most expensive separate part of the drone. Flight controllers usually work with BetAfLight software with open code, standard in the pilot community. But the supply of this component is limited. Large manufacturers such as Speedybee are located in China, which limited the export of some components for drones to Ukraine.

Ukrainian drone manufacturers often complain that it is difficult for them to get spare parts from Chinese suppliers, and believe that there are a special relationship with the Russians in the Chinese. Production of flight controllers in Ukraine eliminates a potential narrow place in supply and risk of overestimation. Some manufacturers report that the price of components has tripled as Russian and Ukrainian buyers are looking for components in the international market.

Wild HorNETS representatives say that they reduced the cost of their FPV-goals from $ 400 to $ 350 thanks to increasing production. The video demonstrates one selection and placement car in a series of at least thirty ready -made units, each with eight modules of flight control. The exact speed depends on the type of machine and the number of steps required, but this type of installation is usually capable of producing many thousands of ready -made printed boards per month.

As soon as they optimize production processes, Wild Hornets will be able to set up a second or third such machine as needed. The main elements for FPV drone are flight controller, camera, radio, engines and antenna, which are attached to the drone body. Connectors and propellars are made on 3D printers. The assembly process is manually: it takes a few hours on the drone to solder and screw everything in place and check the result.

Relatively small skills are needed, and the Ukrainian government now provides online courses on how to collect drones at home in the People's FPV program. Wild HorNETS produces several types of drones: including FPV-augers and bombers on small 7-inch or larger 10-inch frames. Most recently, they began to make a quadcopter called Wally with night vision sensors. (The production of thermal imagers, which can cost hundreds of dollars, is a more difficult task, but Ukrainian producers atlas do it).

The basis of all of them is the same flight controller, and Wild Hornets can easily switch production from one type to another depending on demand. The simple production process makes it easy to make changes to the design. Ukrainian drone manufacturers are in close contact with operators on the front lines who use their machines, and there is a constant feedback and update process.

Wild Hornets is working on terminals of giving up to their drones to make them resistant to obstacles at a short distance. Again, it is easier to do with complete control of the production process. Localized production of all components of drones makes it possible to mass production on a large scale. The Russians are not far behind: the Sudplatov group claims that it produces a thousand FPV drones a day and 90% of their components are now producing in Russia.