
Queue and Great Garma: The journalist told about the visit to the Russian frigate "Admiral Gorshkov"

Navy ships arrived in Cuba on June 13. And everyone was able to make a tour of a frigate. Patrick Oppman, a CNN journalist who lives in Cuba, visited the Russian frigate. And he described what he saw in a short report. In addition to the ship, it was most impressed by the long queue under the scorching sun. CNN writes about it. The journalist noted that in twelve years of life in Cuba stood in a variety of queues, including food.

But for the first time he stood on board a Russian warship, mowed in harbor. In Cuba, Russian ships will have five days. That is, they will sail back on June 18. Admiral Gorshkov is one of the most modern ships of the Russian Navy capable of shooting hypersonic missiles. "It was difficult for me to imagine that the valuable ship of President Vladimir Putin would be opened for a general review," the journalist said: everyone was allowed to board for three days.

When Gorshkov arrived in Cuba on June 13, he made a deafening salute with 21 shots. The Cubans responded with artillery fire from the XVIII century fortress with a view of the harbor built by the Spaniards to protect the city from pirates. Together with the frigate, a rescue tug, a fuel tank and a significant atomic submarine "Kazan".

The Cuba Ministry has stated that none of the ships had nuclear weapons on board and that they would not pose "threats to the region", clearly referring to the US, the nearest Cuba neighbor.

But the American nuclear submarine arrived in Guantanama Bay the next day after the arrival of the Navy of Russia in Havana, but for many Cubans the visit of the largest convoy of their old allies of the Cold War in recent years seemed to be a return to the past, especially in the light of Moscow and Washington They argue about the war in Ukraine.

Russian ships were rolled up in the port terminal of the port of Havana, which was previously occupied by American cruise liners until President Donald Trump forbade them to visit the 2019 island. In order to climb on board, visitors had to leave all sharp items on the shore, as well as to present documents. "I handed my ID, which indicated my birthplace in the United States, one of the officers who turned out to be too young to shave.

He looked at him and sought the advice of his senior colleague. , - he asked, " - describes the journalist his experience. In the end, he was missed and after the frame of the metal detector, he found himself in a group of 20 people who went on board Gorkov. In front of the ship, Russian sailors hung a plaque in English, stating that "Gorkov's main purpose is" fighting against surface ships and submarines of the enemy. " Cuban.