
The Armed Forces are fighting for a female colony under a judge: Ukrainian prisoners were kept there - human rights activists (photos)

In the colony, Ukrainian prisoners were kept before exchange. For entertainment, protecting dogs on women, and men were mercilessly beaten. On Friday, August 23, the Defense Forces of Ukraine storm in the Kursk region a female colony in the village of Mala Locnya, which is located 14 kilometers from the border.

The capture of this institution will be an important step in documenting war crimes committed by the Russian Federation against Ukrainian prisoners of war, writes "Media Initiative for Human Rights" (MIPP). One of the main places of maintenance of Ukrainian prisoners was the pre -trial detention center # 1 in Kursk, where prisoners were brought from different directions, both civilian and military. But at the end of 2022, MIPP found that the captive women were taken to the correctional colony No.

11 in a small lock, which was designed for the maintenance of more than 200 people. According to MIPP, in the fall of 2022 there were more than 50 captured military and civilians. MIPP documented the testimony of several captives who were in a small lock after captivity. There, as women say, they did not torture, but physical force was used, as well as moral humiliation. They were forced to undress and sing a anthem of Russia, teach poems about the USSR and songs of World War II.

For entertainment, the security used electric shops, sometimes women lowered dogs. "Women-reagents were somewhere more cruel than men," the former captive Natalia recalls, adding that Russian prisoners were kept in neighboring cameras, which is a violation of international humanitarian law, because in prison institutions to keep captive Criminal crimes are prohibited by Geneva Conventions.

Together with women-military servicemen, civilians, captured in the Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions, were kept in the chamber. "They were not even explained on what grounds they were being kept," the former captive said that women, despite either age or health, simply attributed some crimes and counteracting "special military operations". Women were forced to exercise that due to lack of nutrition and physical abuse. During the day, the branches were forbidden to sit, which causes many leg problems.

One day, civilian men who did not participate in hostilities were brought to the female colony. "The acceptance was terrible. Hands were broken behind his back, hit the metal grate, then knocked on the floor. They were beaten so that I had a shoe with my right foot with the sock," says former Vladimir. Another man named Alexander guards during his arrival broke the ribs, emphasizing that "it is for you for the Maidan" and for "Omon brothers". "There was a fence that we were thrown at the head.

Someone was given to the kidneys, some ribs were broken," he recalls. A few days later, a man was transferred to Kursk in bruising. The former captives failed to remember the supervisors or the colony administration, they hid their faces under balaclava, and did not allow the prisoners to raise their heads when the Russians went to the camera. The prisoners themselves were not released outside the camera.

According to the witnesses, the correctional colony in a small lock was a temporary place of detention before exchange, where the prisoners could stay from one to several months. After that, they could be taken to exchange or return to Kursk detention center No. 1 or the pre -trial detention center No. 2 in Taganrog of the Rostov region. Recall that in many women's colonies the recruitment of convicted women for war in Ukraine continues.