
The Russian Federation recruits unqualified doctors from Africa because of the shortage of people - Britain's intelligence

According to analysts, in 15 months the enemy remained without 7,500 specialists, as some of them decided to leave the country through mobilization. Now they try to solve the problem in another way, but it can lead to a deterioration of the quality of services in the field of medicine. In Russia, a significant shortage of health care workers is recorded. Some of them left the country to avoid calling during mobilization.

In the Intelligence of the UK Ministry of Defense, they told how the opponent was trying to get out of the position. According to analysts, a few days ago, the head of the State Duma of Russia stated that the country lacks about 30 thousand doctors, and in district hospitals the deficit and at all is about 50%. Back in November last year, this figure was much lower. "The lack of doctors is explained by the fact that some of them work in the private sector and others left the country.

After mobilization of the Russian military in September 2022, doctors were directly warned that they would not leave the country. Up to 2 percent of Russian doctors and medical workers still left Russia to avoid calling, " - the message says. Separately, the British intelligence added that Russian doctors have also increased recently, which has led to further reduction.

According to the estimation, which was carried out at the beginning of the year, the enemy was left without 7,500 representatives of the medical sector within 15 months. The Kremlin is trying to solve this problem and one of the ways, as reported by the Center for Analysis of European Policy, a set of doctors from African countries. However, their qualification is not confirmed by any documents.

"Serious resource and financial costs to support the war of Russia in Ukraine have a negative impact on a number of civilian sectors that serve the Russian population. The number of health workers in Russia will continue to decline during 2024. Involvement medical care, " - summed up analysts of the Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom. We will remind, on March 19 it was reported that Russia was confronted with a shortage of sailors, because they want to die in the sea very little.