
NATO sends to Lithuania aircraft Awacs to monitor the activity of

Awacs aircraft is a key means of early warning for the Alliance, capable of detecting hostile rockets for hundreds of kilometers. NATO will temporarily place in the Lithuanian city of Shiayauli aircraft surveillance of Awacs aircraft. They will observe the activity of the Russian military near the borders of the Alliance. NATO press service reported. The first of the two aircraft on September 28 arrived at the base in Lithuania.

Awacs are known to detect hostile planes and missiles, air defense systems and more at a distance of more than 400 kilometers, which makes them a key to NATO. "Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine has increased our attention to the security environment in the Baltic Sea region," NATO Dylan White said. He also thanked Lithuania for the placement of the AWacs aircraft, because, he said, it is an important contribution to common security.

In response to the war of Russia in Ukraine, the Alliance increased its air presence in the eastern part of NATO with the help of fighters, surveillance planes and tankers. The Pressluzhi stated that after the strikes of Russian drones near NATO, the United States launched four additional F-16 fighters in Romania to strengthen NATO mission to strengthen airspace patrol. Since February 2022, NATO Awacs have made hundreds of flights over Eastern Europe to monitor Russian military aircraft.

In the coming days, AWACS will begin its intelligence flights over the Alliance. "It is planned that the mission will take several weeks," the message added. These aircraft are included in the NATO NATO, which consists of 14 observation aircraft and is based in Gaylenkirchen, Germany. NATO will send about 150 servicemen to Lithuania. We will remind, on September 28 CNN reported that the elections of the Prime Minister will soon be held in Slovakia.