
"The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will be on the border with Poland": Berbok on the consequences of termination of NATO support of Ukraine

According to German Foreign Ministry, if Ukraine is not able to provide itself, then millions of people will be forced to flee and there will be a problem with refugees. The refusal to support Ukraine in the war that has begun the Russian Federation will have serious consequences for NATO and Germany. This was stated in an interview with Süddeutsche Zeitung by the Foreign Minister of Germany Annalen Berb.

"If we do not continue to support Ukraine, then we risk that Putin's troops will stand at the border with Poland. The war will soon be on the EU and NATO," the diplomat said. According to Berbok, it is almost impossible to say exactly how much it was worth it if Germany would have to defend its freedom and security. "Ukraine needs further, more intense support. They are being given absolutely in our interests. It is about our peace here in Europe," she is convinced.

According to the head of German diplomacy, if Ukraine no longer be able to protect itself, then millions of people will have to run away and there will be a problem with refugees. Berbbus is convinced that few people want to live in torture and occupation voluntarily. She stressed that, judging by the latest reports of rape in the occupied territories and the abduction of children, we can conclude that people should prepare for the worst.

Annalen Berbub is convinced that the losing of Ukraine would become fatal, both for free Ukraine, and for free Europe. "People feel daily Putin strikes and destroys. Just imagine that you are lying in the hospital and suddenly switched off electricity through a blow on a power plant. Or you are completely cut off from water and heat minus 15 degrees. That's why additional support is urgently needed ", - she explained.