
39% from the budget: Zelensky suggested that the Russian economy has been produced through Putin's expenditures for war

According to OP Head Andriy Yermak, the Kremlin wants to spend almost 2 times more on the killing of civilians in 2024 than it is now. This is a great chance for the event to impose new sanctions. The Russian Federation continues to bet on war in Ukraine and therefore regularly increases the cost of combat. In particular, this can be noticeable in 2024. The head of the Presidential Office Andriy Yermak wrote about it in his Telegram channel on September 26.

According to him, the Kremlin is ready to put everything he has to continue terrorist methods and kill Ukrainians. Next year, a huge part of the funds from the budget of the Russian Federation will go to military needs. "In 2024, Crazy Putin decided to spend a record 11 trillion rubles on the army. This is $ 112 billion, which is almost twice as much as this year. For the first Andrey Yermak wrote.

He noted separately that in such circumstances, international sanctions are able to finally bury the economy of the Russian Federation, because economic collapse is virtually impossible to avoid such expenditures for war. Western partners have a chance to lay the foundations of this collapse of the regime in the near future. "Of course, we need more support, more weapons.

It is necessary to destroy the Russian MIC so that the Kremlin cannot produce missiles and percussion UAVs, as well as equipment. The crazy costs of the army in the Russian Federation are the agony of the regime," the statement reads. We will remind, on September 14 it was reported that next year the defense of Ukraine will be allocated 1. 6 trillion hryvnias. President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has stated that this is the first priority for the country until the war is ongoing.