
Nuclear failure of Russia. As the Kremlin was disgraced with Sarmat and what is Ukraine here

In Russia, it is not possible to bring to the mind the strategic nuclear missile system "Sarmat". In the next failure test, the military analyst Konstantin Mashovets sees proof that without Ukrainian components, the Kremlin cannot cope with this task. The Kremlin's attempts to shake their "nuclear elda" again with a confusion . . . It is about PC-28 (it "as modest"-"Sarmat"). The newest Russian missile system of strategic mine base.

A recent attempt to "test" from the "object" in the area of ​​"Plessetsk" ended again, to say the least, "asleep". This is the Kremlin's main hope for replacement of the Soviet R-36M (it is "moderate"-"voivoda"), so it is the same strategic missile complex 15P118m, known worldwide according to the classification of the US and NATO, as-SS-18 MOD 1,2,3 "Satan", well, or Ukrainian - "Satan", which, in fact, is the basis of this time Xus (strategic nuclear forces) of the Russian Federation.

Yes you are right. The "governor" was developed in the KB "Southern", and made on "Yuzhmash", in the Dnieper. The management system was developed in Kharkiv ("Hartron") - and, accordingly, for a long time they do not serve for a long time, which provides, in particular, the extension of the timing of the complex, the CMU decisions (2023), and in reality - practical work was stopped even earlier.

Actually, that is why the Russians are in a hurry to replace the conditionally Ukrainian "voivod", their own missile system "Sarmat". Currently, the history of the "trials" of the Russian "Sarmat", let's say, "reputationally not very successful", the last attempt will "punc with" from Plesietsko only "drown" it. Having made all this in the heap, any adequate person will have questions about the real technical condition of the Russian Sus, at least to their main part-missiles of mine base.

Do you continue to believe that they "accidentally" organized an offensive on Pokrovsky (towards the Dnieper) and Kharkiv operating areas? It is about quite real fundamental changes in the global geopolitical position of the Russian Federation, where the state of their "nuclear argument" is a key factor. And he, objectively, deteriorates rapidly. "Vyalychie" has every chance to gradually stretch . . .