
Russia started the second stage of nuclear exercises: training with Belarus

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that training is conducted to maintain the readiness of personnel and equipment for combat use of non -patient nuclear weapons of Russia and Belarus. In Russia, according to President Vladimir Putin's decision, the second stage of non -strategic nuclear forces began. This was reported by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on Tuesday, June 11.

The department stated that the purpose of the exercises is to "unconditional ensuring the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the union state. " It is planned to work out the issues of joint training of parts of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus for combat use of non -patient nuclear weapons.

Earlier, within the first stage, the personnel of the missile joints of the Southern Military District worked out the task of obtaining special training ammunition for the Iskander operative-tactical missile system. As well as the equipment of their launch vehicles and a secret nomination in the appointed position area to prepare for the missile launches.

In addition, during the exercises, aviation worked out the equipment of special combat units of aerobalist missiles X-47M2 "Darling" and departures to the appointed areas of patrol. We will remind, on May 6 it became known that Vladimir Putin instructed to test in Russia non -strategic nuclear weapons. The country's Defense Ministry noted that training is a response to "provocative statements and threats of individual Western officials against Russia.