
Russian authorities have ordered 230,000 certificates for relatives of the fallen occupiers - the media

Since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, more than 900,000 certificates of war veterans have been ordered in the Russian Federation. Previously, such orders were less large -scale. The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation has ordered more than 750 thousand certificates of hostilities and 230 thousand certificates for relatives of the dead military people from the occupying troops.

About it reports the Media "Race" with reference to the data of the portal of public procurement. The cost of manufacturing certificates was estimated at 79 million rubles. 200 thousand forms of certificates will be transferred to the Ministry of Defense, 30 thousand in the Ministry of Social Protection. In the spring, the Russian Defense Ministry had already concluded a similar contract, but the amount of work was smaller.

In total, more than 95,000 war veterans in Ukraine and 23 716 certificates for the families of the dead were required. Similar orders were a year earlier, but then only a few thousand forms were required. Since the beginning of a full -scale invasion of Ukraine, more than 900,000 veterans and about 260,000 certificates for relatives of the fallen occupiers have been ordered in the Russian Federation. The authors of the publication note that such orders were published until February 2022.

The certificates were published for the members of the families of those who died in the Second World War and veterans of other wars. But the number of certificates before the start of a full -scale invasion was smaller. The number of certificates ordered can be an indirect evidence of how many Russian military was killed during the war in Ukraine.

On such raw data it is difficult to calculate how many Russians have died in Ukraine, as it is due to a great error: one serviceman from the occupation troops may have several relatives, which the Russian authorities pay the so -called "tomb" and provides other privileges. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation does not publish official digits of losses.

BBC and Media Again, which study open sources with information about the Russian military, by September 15 confirmed the names of more than 32,000 victims in Ukraine. On September 18, the Armed Forces General Staff published approximate data on 272,940 dead Russian military. We will remind that in GUR the losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the fighting for Gostomel. It was also reported that on September 14, the General Staff told about operational success at the front.