
"Feared that they would fly": the expart the State Duma of the Russian Federation explained why the opposition Forum was held in Lviv

Russian oppositionist Ilya Ponomarev assured that the local authorities knew about this event, as well as the relevant special services. The expert of the State Duma of Russia Ilya Ponomarev, who calls himself a "Russian opposition", reported details of the Forum of the Russian Opposition in Lviv. The idea of ​​the forum "Freedom of Russia" and its Foundation "2402" informs about it "Radio Liberty. " … ”, - Ponomarev explained.

At the same time, he added that the information that the event was not known to the local authorities was not true. In addition, the relevant intelligence services were informed about the event, since other means of the forum participants who have Russian passports would not be able to get into Ukraine. "The forum was not held in Lviv, it was side by side, and thus officially communications with the City Hall was not. - said Ponomarev.

The former Russian deputy noted that the forum was held in Lviv because "it is symbolic, it is beautiful and to prove. " He also pointed out security issues because it was a huge event that was the center of attention. "And, of course, they were afraid that it could fly. If it would be in Kharkiv, it would be almost 100% likely to be an attack, and why are it? Divisions and so on the front," - explained the expat. At the same time, he added that such forums will definitely happen in the future.