
"Enemy presses": "Osman" told focus if the Armed Forces can get to the boiler in the coal

The situation in the carbon area remains very complicated. The enemy presses from the water, and from the western part to the side of the Bogoyavlenko road - coal. But not considering it, the forces of defense will not remain in the environment, says serviceman Stanislav Bunyatov. In the coal of the Donetsk region there is a difficult situation.

However, according to the serviceman of the 24th OSHB, Stanislav Bunatov with the call sign "Osman", there will be no boiler, Ukrainian units will have time to get out. He told about it in an interview with focus or will lose Ukraine and why partners interfere with the end of the war: interview with Ottoman. "There is a very difficult situation in the coal, because the enemy presses both from Water and from the western part to the way of the Bogoyavlenko - coal.

It puts us in a very difficult position," said Stanislav Bunyatov. According to him, if the enemy reserves the road of Bogoyavlenko - the coal, then it is necessary to reflect the captured territory for the rainy season, so that road connections remain behind the defense forces. Another option is to get out of the city to the Defense Line in Bogoyavlenko. "The enemy from the water and the west presses, and the Kashalach River has come out and tries to make ticks.

And so far, unfortunately, he succeeds," he explained. Osman noted that there will be no boiler carbon, because the defense units will have time to get out. "I do not know how it will have to sleep, to sleep enemy assaults to leave people surrounded. I think there will be no boiler," he added. We will remind, on September 25 the SBU Exprats and the military expert Ivan Stupak said that in the carbon in the Donbass of Ukrainian fighters was surrounded on three sides.