
In the Russian Federation, the cartoon My Little Pony was tied with LGBT and labeled 18+ (photo)

The marking was placed through a pony named Rainbow Dash, which has a tail and mane in rainbow colors. On November 30, the Supreme Court in the Russian Federation declared extremist and banned the "International Movement of LGBT", and any activity in this direction will be punished in accordance with the Criminal Code of the aggressor country. In the famous cartoon My Little Pony in Russia, a connection with the LGBT was wounded. About it reports the Russian edition of Sota.

"The HD Cinema Cinema has put 18+ on the cartoon My Little Pony. The animated character except the name of Rainbow Desh has a tail and a mane in the color of the rainbow. Shortly after the release of the decision of the Armed Forces of Russia, Russia published a lawyer's comment, who noted that in his opinion, it concerns the "international movement", but would not seem to touch on individual LGBT people. The offensive on the LGBT movement in Russia began in the fall of last year.

At first, State Duma deputies banned "gay propaganda" and later a transition. According to the decision of the Supreme Court, if there is a suspicion of extremist activity of the LGBT community, the Russian may receive administrative or criminal punishment. The media also claim that when entering the Russian Federation, foreigners should sign a special document that promises to maintain exclusively "traditional values".