
Departure abroad people's deputies and dismissal from the army: The Council want to change the law on mobilization

Parliamentarians are trying to help the military with a deferral to go abroad. Among such citizens are parliamentarians and deputies of local councils. In the same law, the idea of ​​exemption from service and other army issues. People's Deputies have submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a bill, which refers to the possibility of traveling abroad to two categories of Ukrainians. If the proposals are accepted, foreign travel for parliamentarians and some of the booked martial law will simplify.

The details of the ideas of parliamentarians were told on the portal of the Forensic Newspaper. The portal noted that the group of people's deputies on August 5 registered the bill No. 11460, which would like to amend two laws. The first of these is the Law on Military Duty and Military Service: they offer the possibility of release from the troops after a certain time of service. The second is "On Mobilization Training and Mobilization": the idea of ​​traveling abroad.

The initiator of the law is the People's Deputy and the leader of the European Solidarity Party Petro Poroshenko and 17 more people, according to the portal. The justification lists a few reasons why the idea of ​​initiators should be supported. First, they mentioned that servicemen could not be released from the army, as such rules were removed for the bill on strengthening mobilization.

Secondly, they explained that it would be worth expanding the rights of some categories of Ukrainians so that they could travel abroad. At the same time, it is not mentioned that innovations can touch the people's deputies, instead write about human rights, "flexibility" and "negative resonance". MPs propose to make changes in Art. 23 of the Law on Mobilization. The first innovation - traveling abroad will allow citizens who have a deferral as people's deputies and deputies of local councils.

In doing so, they will be enough to show a document confirming the deferral - a service certificate. The second innovation is permission to leave Ukrainians, booked from critical enterprises, is said in the SUG article. The third innovation concerns citizens working at NABU, National Police, SES, Prosecutor's Office, DBR and more. Some of them will book 100%, someone - 50%. Other proposals - in two articles of the law on military service. In Art.

26 can make the idea of ​​liberation from the army in 36 months if 18 months of participation in hostilities. In Art. 41-1, which is not yet in the legal act-on contracts, which will be forbidden to transfer to other units, except after written consent. On the Facebook page of the initiator of the Law 11460 on the departure of people's deputies there are still no comments on proposals.

Also about the new ideas of Ukrainian politicians was written by the head of the profile committee Alexander Zaitnevich, who is the first to analyze it. Earlier, Focus wrote about Petro Poroshenko's complaints that he and some other people's deputies were not allowed to go abroad to take part in important foreign events. One of these cases occurred in December 2023, when the politician failed to get to the United States to persuade Americans to help Ukraine.