
"Should be propaganda": Vitaliy Kim called the media regulator necessary during the war (video)

The head of Mykolaiv region also opposed the presence of journalists at meetings of deputies, as it interferes with "speed of work". Clear rules for journalists in Ukraine proposed to be introduced by the head of the Nikolaev ova Vitaliy Kim. He explained his position on the program "Theme from Mosaychuk". The rules of work will be controlled, in his opinion, the processes of the media, since in the warring country, there are no different opinions that broadcast the media.

The aggressor allegedly uses the Ukrainian media space for their own influence on people's minds. "There should be no individual thoughts during the war, there must be propaganda," he explained. According to him, in Russia there is a propaganda as "Great Mahina", which moves Ukraine. Kim believes that the occupiers use free media to excite narratives that separate people. The head of Mykolaiv region also opposed the presence of journalists at meetings of deputies.

He called sessions that do not have media representatives productive. "We are for the people, for that . . . ". What do people need speed or show? I am for the speed of work, " - said Ova chairman. Vitaliy Kim also believes that a generation of journalists is doing good materials for clickback. According to him, the situation needs to be changed. Who chooses, if there is hot material? " - said the official.