
Big Business & Marketing Agency: As the war changed the interaction format. Netpeak experience

A full -scale invasion requires large companies of strategic revision of cooperation with marketing agencies. In this context, the owners of companies and C-LEvel experts face the challenges and expectations that affect their decisions and determine the nature of future partnerships. In 2019, I started building an Enterprise Department - you can say a separate team, the task of which would grow big businesses. It is one thing to grow to the player's top, another to strengthen and scalable it.

I was present with such a scale experience, at that time, a clear system and structures that would be suitable for work with big businesses, and general regulations were not detailed, but were not adapted to such tasks, in the group of Netpeak agencies. , primarily due to the lack of flexibility and complexity and taking into account the needs of customers.

For 4 years, we have built partnerships with market leaders in almost every niche, such as ARX, Intertop, StarLightMedia, Puma, UKlon, Somfy, ATB, Oxford-Medical, Monobank and more. One of the key features of the Department can be emphasized on the complexity, innovation and individual approach to each of our partner. Our team always seeks not only to accomplish the task, but also to become a reliable partner that will help you to achieve your business goals.

When working with Enterprise, my partners, together with the team, managed to: - Expand our network of partnerships from 18 to 47 leaders in their niches and increase the department to 47 specialists; - to improve relationships with partners, through systematic communication aimed at jointly defining the directions of development and its support.

One of the effective tools we have identified was to hold strategic meetings with our partners, which is attended by our entire team to present a comprehensive implementation strategy (as a rule, we only attracted only the responsible manager).

This approach allows us to get an operational response from a partner and immediately understand where we need to adjust the action plan, both to us and the business itself; - Introduce deep interviews with our key partners, including CEO and CMO, and where the opportunity is possible (this process allows us to reliably understand and meet their needs effectively, taking into account the various aspects of business and requirements at different levels).

In addition, we have introduced regular simplified NPS surveys for C-LEvel, which allow to systematically evaluate partners' satisfaction; -To expand the spectrum of our services with the main task-to close the entire marketing complex for partners with a single vision of the project, starting with media advertising, including Programmatic Decisions and Google Marketing Platform tools, as well as for many classic TV placement, ending with active, as, as active, as e-mail.

-Lolists, pushi in applications and more. - to implement the introduction of caste analytics and technical solutions for sites, as well as to develop a comprehensive approach to promotion of applications, which led to significant growth of the projects in general, and to victory and silver at the Effie competition. Having held one of the focus groups with our largest partners, we learned about the three expectations with which they go on partnership in a full-scale war, they want to share today.

Strategic vision and a comprehensive approach when interacting with clients of agencies are often limited to the performance of individual tasks, such as launching PPC advertising or SEO promotion, but often do not take into account the overall context and business issues, that is They do not always coordinate CRI with the overall purpose of business.

Without the correct approach to the analysis, it may seem that a particular service or the work of the team is ineffective, but the actual cause of the problem may be in other related factors, such as the value of the product, insufficient communication about the product, the funnel of work with the consumer is not considered Ltv and more.

To form a strategy of Raj: from our experience, I can say that we involve individual specialists: strategists and leads of directions and me, as the head of the department for evaluation of the case, regardless of which segment are attached to. For our partners, this is important because they see in strategic meetings the whole team responsible for the full maintenance of the project, not just for its individual components. There may be some simplification here.

When a partner delegates us from scratch, we take responsibility for all marketing components and allow us to not immerse yourself in the details of technical processes, but in detail we prescribe a plan to achieve clear KPI.

Benchmarks to analyze business positions in the market with the second problem can be called that business often does not want to put an additional budget for finding external databases and the development of your own database, thereby there is no reliable source of information with market benchmarks that can not be fully relied on, then At least navigate.

There is a need for expanded analytics, which will understand how the business develops, for example, in the context of combining online and offline activities, client's life after the first purchase, customization of communication for different customer segments, etc.

There is no single spent solution in Ukraine, for example, we at Netpeak Agencies Group collect some of the information you need, the so -called Big Data, which allows you to collect and better understand our capabilities and growth points. In addition, we invest both in the world analytical platforms and in the development of our own. Today we are monitoring 26 niches and top 10 players in Weekly format.

I would like to emphasize that trends, and accordingly benchmarks around the world, differ from Ukrainian and real problem, is the impossibility of planning and forecasting, especially given that Covid is a history of world scale, and a full -scale invasion is the reality of Ukrainians. Involvement in the project and understanding of the importance of partnerships at the strategic level, many businesses are faced with the problem of insufficient involvement and comprehensive partnership.

However, some businesses can restrict such participation on their own. This often leads to the loss of opportunities for development and competitive advantage in the form of complex work on the project, and limits the ability to understand the needs of clients and failure to fulfill common expectations. Although the logic for us, as a partner is very simple - earns business, we earn, expanding and increasing the area of ​​our interaction.

To increase the involvement in a group of agencies, we have developed a motivational system for a team aimed at doing business. This is how we build mutual interest for us as agencies and our partner. By the way, the peculiarity of the team is the availability of technical ice, whose task is to study different experiences in more developed markets and especially the implementation over time and the development of new tools and solutions in the Ukrainian market.

This allows you to achieve better results when introducing new activities aimed at attracting our partners' customers. To develop with partners and offer them new ideas, as well as to build partnerships has already become a need for marketing agencies by default.