
The Russian Federation with the help of Wagner earns billions of gold from Africa - investigation (photo)

According to Blood Gold Report, the Kremlin has become a richer by $ 2. 5 billion from the beginning of the invasion. At the same time, the illegal precious metal is purchased by some Western powers. The Russian Federation with the help of Wagner group earns billions of gold trade from Africa. This is stated in the investigation of Blood Gold Report. It is noted that since February 2022, the Kremlin managed to earn more than $ 2. 5 billion in precious metal. He continues to do it using different tools.

The Blood Gold Report group is investigating the links between Western mining companies, military regimes and Russian mercenaries in Africa. This time, they managed to reveal the fact that in the Central African Republic (king), the "Wagnerivtsi" were given exclusive rights to the NDASSIM mine, which is the largest in the country. In exchange for this, the support of the regime, which is considered authoritarian, will continue.

Similar actions are observed in other countries in Africa, according to the investigation. For example, in Sudan "Russian company" was able to take control of a large oil refinery. As a result, Wagner became the dominant buyer of raw Sudanese gold. In a small military junta, which can be related to Wagner and took control of the country in the spring of 2021, has millions of profits.

Investigators write that they control the four largest mining companies: Barrick Gold Corporation, B2Gold, Resolute Mining and Allied Gold Corporation. A month income can be $ 10. 8 million and most of the money comes in cash. By the way, buyers are even in Western countries. Blood Gold Report says that the Canadian company Barrick Gold only in the first 6 months of 2023 paid the Mali Hunti $ 206 million. By the way, the king and Sudan use complex smuggling routes and tactics of corporate approaches.

This makes it possible to take out gold from Africa to Russia and the UAE, where it is mixed with other legal sources of gold and turn into cash. In its report, the organization prescribed a number of measures that can interfere with Wagner and Russia operations. Thus, a financial blow to the Kremlin will be struck. They refer to: we will remind, on December 5 it was reported that in Africa they were eliminated by Russians who recruited people in the PEC "Redut".