
Volunteers have to pay more than mobilized - the Armed Forces officer (video)

According to Igor Lapin, most soldiers on the front indicate that they are ready to give 100 thousand UAH and return home, so the issue of financial stimulation does not solve the problem of mobilization. The officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Igor Lapin proposed to differentiate payments for mobilized and volunteers. At the same time, persons who voluntarily stood in defense of Ukraine should receive more. He stated this on the air of the TV channel "Espresso TV".

Lapin noted that the issue of financial stimulation does not solve the problem of mobilization. He recalled that in 2014, many people went to the front without any financial motivation, simply to protect their country from occupation. However, today, according to Lapin, the situation has changed, and most soldiers at the front want to return home, despite their high payment. "At the beginning of a full -scale invasion, people just went to fight against the occupiers and asked for a weapon.

That is, the most motivated infantry in the world, unfortunately, we have already put in the raw land. They were replaced The question remains who will replace these people. Today, most guys on the front say that they are ready to give 100 thousand UAH and return home. What 200 thousand we are talking about today. " - explained Lapin.

Lapin expressed the opinion that it would be logical to set different levels of payments for mobilized and volunteers, and volunteers should receive more for their readiness and voluntary choice to serve. However, in order to successfully implement such a system, it is necessary to carry out information work and understand that anyone who goes to the front does so for the sake of a common goal of Ukraine's protection. "Therefore, the issue is not only in financial motivation.

I understand if the mechanism of different payments was created. That is, mobilized and volunteers would pay different salaries. It is clear that volunteers should receive more salaries," Lapin added. We will remind, the head of the Kremenchug district shopping center and JV Miroslav Volkov said that during the mobilization they can call limited suitable men to the Armed Forces. They are sent for service to the rear units.