
The Ukrainian robot with a machine gun cleaned the trench of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Kursk region - Forbes (video)

According to journalists, the Russians also have land drones. However, the Ukrainian robot "rage" stands out, because he was able to win and even "survive" in his first battle. The Ukrainian robot "Fury" eliminated a group of Russian soldiers in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. Forbes writes about it. It is noted that a video appeared on the network, which can see as a ground drone armed with a machine gun, evading mines, captures the Russian trench.

As stated in the 8th Regiment of the MSC, they kissed the RPG several times. He also withstood the lesion of the FPV-zero. However, the robot completed the task and returned to recovery. The material states that "rage" is just one of several land unmanned apparatus developed by Ukrainian engineers. It is equipped with a radio station for receiving the operator commands, a Videoramer and a remote machine gun. It was also equipped with armored plates that protect the most important details.

However, as the journalists noted, the Russians also have land drones. However, "rage" stands out, because he was able to win and even "survive" in his first battle. It is noted that landless drones are forced to face a lot of obstacles in their path, while air drones can be freely maneuvering in three dimensions. Even just getting to the battlefield is a big problem for land work.

Therefore, the developers of the drone "Fury" focused on mobility and equipped their creation with large wheels, a high chassis with a large road gap. The material states that "rage" first entered the battle in the Russian settlement Volphin. It is located on the western flank of the territory of the Kursk region, which is controlled by the forces of the Armed Forces.