
New War in Asia: Putin is obviously bored with a failed Ukrainian adventure

Putin is apparently visible in the Asian direction, the ears of China are obviously visible, political scientist Viktor Nevzhenko is convinced.

Beijing does not give up plans for Taiwan's accession-and in this case will engage anyone who depends on the black international of "warflays" Putin, signing a treaty between Russia and the DPRK on military-political cooperation and mutual defense, wants not only North Korean soldiers and shells on the Ukrainian front, but also a new international conflict at the other end of the world. For this, the King of North Korea Kim Jong-in requires Russia food, rockets and tactical nuclear weapons.

Putin has already stated that in response to the permission of the West to use the Armed Forces in defense against aggressive Russia, the Kremlin would transfer modern Russian weapons to hot spots in the world, which will lead to the incitement of new international conflicts. But the Kremlin's decision is Beijing. It seems that China pulls up Putin and North Korea, like faithful proxy, in Beijing's military adventure in aggression against Taiwan.

Putin is bored with a favorable Russian-Ukrainian war in Europe and he wants to take part, along with China, Iran and DPRK, in a new international hot conflict-either on the Korean Peninsula or against Taiwan. Or maybe at the same time, where the Korean border conflict will divert attention from the main goal - a successful invasion of China into Taiwan. And at this time another proxy of China-Iran-will solve another conflict against Israel.