
Under Kharkov found a dog that was engaged by Russian military (video)

The animal was left without the owners during the fighting, and the Russian invaders burned their symbols on their forehead. The Russian military, who for some time controlled some territories of Kharkiv region, tortured and killed not only civilians but also pets. About it writes "Investigation. Info".

The incident with a domestic dog occurred in the village of Kamianka, which is located near the city of Izium (it was there that security forces and police found and exhummed a mass burial with the bodies of victims of the Russian military - ed. ). The man, named Dmitry, who accompanied journalists, drew attention to the black dog. An animal has known the animal since the beginning of the war: Dmitry, as far as possible, fed dogs that remained without the owners in the conditions of fighting.

On the head of the dog, the burned branded in the form of a Latin letter "V" is a symbol that the occupiers are used to mark their equipment and tangible assets in Ukraine. Dmitry explained that the invaders had fun, branding domestic dogs with letters "V" and "Z". The black dog is not their only sacrifice. We will remind, earlier Russian invaders have raised and shot elite cars in Ukraine.