
Submarines of the Warsaw class disappeared from Novorossiysk: where did the "black holes" of the Fleet of the Russian Federation fled

Observers noted that not only submarines were intensified in Novorossiysk - the entire military contingent of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation seems to be in combat regime. The Russian submarines of the Project 877 "Hallat", or "Warsaw" left until Novorossiysk. Overseas observers suggest that the submarines could dive underwater and leave their base, as evidenced by the images dating from June 6. The details of the disappearance of Russian submarines were told at Bulgarian Military.

"It is difficult to say for sure, given the resolution, but I think even a kilo went. It becomes more amazing every minute," - writes @mt_anderson observer on his account in X. Boats. According to additional satellite images, the entire military contingent of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia seems to be in battle. It is reported that three rocket -bearing corvettes were launched at least 24 Caliber missiles at a time.

And some of these ships are in the main channel of Novorossiysk, at a distance of 500 meters to 2. 5 kilometers from the entrance to the Naval Dock. "The Navy has changed its scheme to Novorossiysk, moving warships from the berths of the naval base into a bay position. Other ships go to Crimea with a routine,"-writes another observer H and Sutton on his account in X. The Rubin St. Petersburg Design Bureau. They are known for their secrecy and are called NATO "black holes" because of their quiet work.

Submarines have been in service since the early 1980s and have passed various modernizations. They are equipped with a diesel-electric power plant consisting of two diesel generators and one electric motor. The maximum speed on the surface is 10-12 knots, in the submerged state-up to 17-25 nodes. The range at the same time reaches 6000-7500 marine miles at a speed of 7 nodes. Submarines can remain under water for up to 45 days, depending on the tasks.