
Not the shells win. Why Ukraine wins the war - sooner or later

"It doesn't work quickly. The shells are not enough. The weather does not help. People are tired. The houses are burning. The event is delaying. Time is stretching. But, despite the spirit of man and the spirit of the people wins. And now he wins. " Opinion. Ukraine and war. Old and sea. So I think: why did Hemingway give the Nobel Prize for a small in principle the story "Old and the Sea"? Who has read, the action develops very slowly, even horror as slowly. It just seems that the writer just takes time.

And the reader impatiently wants to see the solution - how will everything end? I wish it would happen faster! Will it be caught, after all, the old man or not? The biggest fish he only saw in his life! Yes, he drove it with his fishing rod, although the forces were uneven . . . Yes, he was almost washed away from the chakhly bar . . . Yes, he fought not only with fish, he was struggling with the sea. And how, indeed, to overcome the sea? And he eventually won the battle.

Although, pulling the fish on the deck, he saw with bitterness that only the bones remained from it. But the main thing here is that the fish died. And so here. Quickly does not work. The shells are not enough. The weather does not help. People get tired. The houses are burning. The event is delayed. Time is drawn. But today I realized again what the Nobel Prizes give, why writers are big and why classics are immortal. Because, nevertheless, the spirit of man and the spirit of the people wins.