
They could not agree on the price: Belarus creates Russian weapons problems - GUR

The dispute arose because the cost of certain types of Belarusian products exceeded the Russians expected by 500-600%. The enterprises of Russia and Belarus were unable to reach consent about the prices for components and nodes for rocket systems of the Grad volley fire. This was reported by the General Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

According to the agreement, the Belarusian contractor of OJSC "Volyatavto" should put 250 units of production required for the production and repair of rocket systems of the hail, the Russian customer - CJSC "Special Design Bureau". In particular, it is about supplying frames, bases, guides, pipes and other necessary elements of combat vehicles.

According to GUR, differences arose during a meeting when the DEGRATION "WAKTAVTO" presented documents with calculations in which the cost of certain types of Belarusian products exceeded the expected Russian representatives by 500-600%. "After intense negotiations, Belarusians conducted additional calculation and found a" exit "for cheaper: to produce components will be subcontractors that do not have appropriate licenses. This means reducing the quality , - GUR notes.