
He lost peace and faith in humanity: Khmelnitsky's resident won the court against the Russian Federation because of the war in Ukraine

The plaintiff stated that due to the war, he had lost his sleep and was forced to spend a lot of time in shelter. The man also complained that he was being depressed by the rockets of a building in Khmelnitsky. In Khmelnitsky, a local resident filed a lawsuit on the Russian Federation because it launched a full -scale war against Ukraine. The plaintiff demanded 1 million 200 thousand hryvnias of non -pecuniary damage from Russia. This is stated in the Register of Judgments.

According to the court's materials, a citizen filed a lawsuit with the state of Ukraine in the person of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the state in the person of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Ukraine, in which he asked to recover from Russia in his favor 1 200 000 UAH of moral damage caused to him by violation of his rights as a result armed aggression and occupation of part of the territory of Ukraine.

He also demanded that Ukraine be recovered from the state in its favor 1 UAH of moral harm caused by violation of its rights to peace and legitimate, conscientious and qualified activity of state authorities of Ukraine in terms of integrity. The man in the lawsuit referred to the actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine since 2014, and also indicated that from February 24, 2022, when Russia carried out an open attack on Ukraine.

He stated that he began to receive moral suffering, which is in cause and effect with the illegal armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, as it was stressed daily due to constant air anxiety and the need to stay in shelter for a long time, which has lost its normal sleep And as of today it does not sleep at night and shudders from howling the siren.

The plaintiff also indicated that he began to fear for the lives of his relatives, accumulated a psychological negative, which accelerated the natural processes of his aging. The plaintiff notes that he also contemplating the rocket strokes of the buildings on Dubovo and Harzevitsa Khmelnitsky brings him additional discomfort and loss of faith in the humanity of the invaders. The court considered his claim in November 2023, but denied his satisfaction. The man did not give up and appealed.

He asked to cancel the decision of the court of first instance and to make a new decision to satisfy the claim by referring to the incomplete clarification of the circumstances relevant to the case, the inconsistency of the court's conclusions, the violations of the case, violation of the rules of procedural law and improper application of substantive law.

Having examined the case file and the arguments of the appeal, the panel of judges of the Khmelnytsky City Court of Khmelnytsky region decided to cancel the previous decision and to make a new one in this part - the claimant's claim is partially satisfied. "To recover from the state of the Russian Federation in favor of PERSON_1 at the expense of compensation for moral damage caused by armed aggression against Ukraine, 200,000 hryvnias.

In the rest of the court's decision to leave unchanged," - said in a court order. It is unknown how the Russian Federation will pay the plaintiff. It should be reminded that the court for 15 years imprisoned the associate of the liquidated exnard of Elijah Kiva. The man was spying on air defense complexes in Dnipropetrovsk region. On February 22 in the Nikolaev area, law enforcement officers found an informant who cooperated with Russian special services.