
The engine burned: Aeroflot was unable to take Russians from Moscow to Turkey from two attempts - media (video)

According to the passengers, due to the malfunction of the aircraft, the pilot asked to fasten, tilt his head and had an excited voice. The largest airline Russian Aeroflot has not been able to organize a flight of 400 passengers from Moscow to Antalya twice. This was reported on October 2 by Roszmi. According to the source, both times the flight was interrupted due to a malfunction of the aircraft. Previously, one of them burned the engine.

"The first board was returned to the departure airport because of the engine problems, and the second tried to repair one and a half hours, but it did not take off," the canal authors report. Eyewitnesses reported that the pilot "had an excited voice when he asked to fasten and tilt his head. " The source reports that passengers were transplanted into another plane after 3 hours and issued coupons for 600 rubles as compensation. "People were kept on board for 1.

5 hours without releasing the plane," the post noted. As a result, tourists flew to Turkey this morning. Later, according to the Russian media, Aeroflot stated that from October 2 he would begin to compensate for the delay of flights by miles. "They will be added to existing types of compensation," the message added. Due to a full -scale invasion of Ukraine against the Russian Federation, sanctions that have affected many industries were imposed.

On March 2, 2022, the world's largest Boeing and Airbus aircraft manufacturers stopped working in Russia due to invasion of Ukraine. They suspended the departure of spare parts to Russia, maintenance and technical support for airlines from the Russian Federation. We will remind, on August 4 in the profile project "Aviator region" reported that airflot planes will fly with deactivated brakes because they cannot eliminate their malfunction without foreign components.