
Best in its class: As a MetEor rocket on F-16 will potentially reinforce Ukrainian planes

The controlled rocket is not yet integrated into the F-16, and in the case of Ukrainian aircraft, they will require the upgrading of radars. However, if it all happens, experts are convinced that it will be the best ammunition for AIM-120. The MBDA Air-Air Air-Air missile can be the best weapon for the F-16 among the MBDA. Medium -range ammunition. About it reports "Military". The Mteor-managed missile is not yet part of the Arsenal of US F-16 fighters.

Their integration depends on the MBDA and the United States, which do not approve of non -American weapons into US products. The peculiarity of the Meteor is the direct-flow air-reactive engine and the size and weight as in the US AIM-120 missile. The engine provides 5 times better characteristics compared to the traditional solid fuel rocket engine. The output energy of the rocket depends on the air intake flow.

Air intakes can be closed or opened, which does not have any rockets in the same class. The regulation of thrust allows to improve maneuverability and the likelihood of destruction of the target. However, the disadvantage is worse aerodynamics due to air intakes, so the rocket loses the speed and maneuverability with the engine off. The author notes that the METEOR missile can be integrated into the F-16 fighter thanks to the MIL-STD-1760 standard.

The interface itself allows you to establish a connection between aircraft systems and weapons or counteraction systems. Information exchange occurs through the radar. Ukraine will receive the F-16 MLU version that has an APG-68 onboard radar station. In order to effectively run Meteor on the aircraft, you need to install the best radar An/APG-83, which will hit several air purposes at once, and in parallel to search for goals in the air.

Also, the modern radar will provide an advantage over Russian aircraft. The ammunition is made by the joint production of 5 countries: as a result, the potential supply of Meteor will be profitable for the Air Force of Ukraine. The rocket will be far more far more than the AIM-120 and will allow you to make low-height starts. The biggest obstacle in this may be the USA, which should integrate the METEOR rocket into the F-16 software. The software has only aircraft manufacturer.