
Crimea is waiting for a return, and with Donbass it will be more difficult - Zelensky about de -occupation (video)

According to the Head of State, it is always easier to release the territory than to restore people's commitment. In Donetsk and Luhansk regions, the fighting has been ongoing for almost 10 years and many residents have passed through them. The Crimean Peninsula will be easier to release from Russian occupation than Donbas, and it is not just about the territory. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky during communication with the Nikolaev students on November 30.

According to him, first of all it is about the mental return of people. It can happen that the territory will first return, and only then people who have lived in another reality for almost 10 years. "For example, if we take Donbass, people live there for 10 years, live in a different space and it is a long process. Maybe different. I think more difficult with Donbass.

I have been told by partners once: you will be almost impossible to return Crimea and very It is difficult to return the Donbass, " - said Vladimir Zelensky. Separately, the head of state added that the territories always return with people, but if people do not want it - it will be very difficult. Since 2014, a lot of time has passed and hostilities have been in the Donbass all this time, there was a contact line. Moreover, a huge number of locals have been war.

"And even now, when Russia is fighting, the most rigid separatists stand, the Russians run, and these stand. It also says something. It is waiting, but it will be very difficult, because most of this territory has been occupied and militarized as much as possible. The main thing for us to keep. We will remind, on November 3, American General Ben Hodges stated that Ukraine will still free Crimea, it is a matter of time.