Not a button, but a weapon. Scientists have finally understood the appointment of an ancient artifact
Subscribe not to miss the latest and most intrusive news from the world of science! For the first time, semicircular objects, cut from deer horns, were discovered in the 1870s during excavations in southwest of France. Since then, another 10 same items have been identified and all of them belong to the Upper Paleolithic period. Scientists believe that these artifacts were created by ancient people about 21 thousand years ago.
Each such semicircular object has a height of 3 centimeters, and in length - 5 centimeters. Initially, the assumption of scientists was that these items could serve as a decoration or as a clothing clasp. But scientists from the University of Kansas, the United States, conducted a new experiment, which found out, which was likely to use these strange artifacts. Scientists have come to the conclusion that these semicircular objects were used as finger clamps on weapons such as a listle.
This is one of the oldest devices designed to throw darts or light spears. It was an effective hunting device. The listle consists of a wooden base or a handle, at the end of which a dart or a small spear was attached. With the help of such metal weapons, it was possible to impress their goal very accurately scientists believe that ancient people used such weapons more often than known to all bows.
Researchers have created a modern version of the listline and attached an exact copy of the ancient artifacts to it, and then metals darts in pig carcasses and deer. As the experiment showed, semicircular objects help to hold the weapon and are an effective finger clamp. Although all the ancient lists have long been decayed and it was not possible to detect any such device with an attached semicircular object, scientists believe that their version is very plausible.
At the same time, scientists say that this is one of the possible options for using artifacts and given their age, as well as the lack of other evidence, it cannot be said that these items were part of ancient weapons. Although they could be them. According to the study, these artifacts are much stronger than other possible finger holders on ancient weapons and much more durable than made, for example, from the skin of an animal.
Given that the experiment was conducted for a long time, it turned out that the level of wear of copies of semicircular artifacts is the same as that of the originals. Which is another confirmation of the new theory of scientists. As focus has already wrote, the ancient abandoned Sakhara settlements are beaten from the panther of scientists. Among the Sahara Sands, the fortified Jado settlements, a spectacle that leaves visitors with surprised and full impressions, stands on the rocky exits.