
Moscow prepares riots in Ukraine. What scenario of the Russian Federation laid in "Maidan-3"

Military intelligence captures the beginning of the operation of Russian special services for destabilization of the situation in Ukraine. According to experts, the open pro -Kremlivsky intensified in society doomed to failure, because most Ukrainians work for the country's defense against the aggressor. The focus understood why warnings about Moscow's attempts to change power sound so often.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky has recently begun to talk about the Kremlin's attempts to overthrow power in Ukraine. For the first time, he said in an interview with Bloomberg on November 16. According to him, Russia seeks to split Ukrainian society in every possible way and change power. The President confirmed his arguments with the data of Ukrainian intelligence and Western special services. "The Maidan for them is a coup, so the operation is clear," he said.

In communication with the British tabloid The Sun, Volodymyr Zelenskyy repeated the idea of ​​the desire to overthrow him from the post of leader of the country. The term of operation to change power in Ukraine in the Kremlin was set by the end of this year. "It may not be about murder. I mean it all changes [the Kremlin's plans]. They will use any tools they have," the head of state explained.

The theme of "Maidan-3" also went into the video address of the President on November 21 on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the beginning of Euromaidan. "When politicians are replaced by statesmen when they fight for chairs, not people, when their own ego becomes more important than their own country, when they do not stand to the end and to the status of" leader "," head "," hetman "is added to the prefix" in emigration. "When the enemy manages to split the inner unity . . .

When the enemy manages to undermine international support and solidarity. Then we lose all of us. Ukraine, Europe and the world," - said the President of Ukraine. The operation of Russian special services for destabilization of the situation in Ukraine began in the beginning of November and it includes a set of measures, explains the focus of the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GUR) of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine Andriy Yusov.

The leadership and ideological content, according to him, are carried out by the first deputy head of the Russian Presidential Administration Serhiy Kiriyenko and the former assistant of the Kremlin head Vladislav Surkov. "The maximum expected effect is the displacement of the country's leadership. Demoralization and demotivation of society, violation of internal consensus on the readiness to fight against Russian aggression.

Such operations are carried out regularly, and now the Russian Federation has connected all possible resources. In the media space, the activation of Kremlin rejections, manipulations and statements, is already visible in the media space. Fortunately, the enemy's achievements do not have to speak. Ukrainian special services counteract the intentions of the invaders, "Yusov said.

Former employees of the Ukrainian special services interviewed by focus did not see the reason for the pro -Russian Maidan during the war. Previous revolutions arose from the outside, but from the desire of Ukrainians to change their lives for the better. In Moscow, this has not been understood yet, said the former Deputy Chairman of the SBU, Major General of the Reserve Viktor Yugan.

"Moscow builds the concept of a coup on the conditional Maidan and hopes that the idea will be picked up by Ukrainians. Unfortunately, we have political structures - useful idiots that partially play the Kremlin's plans and provoke the population," he continued. Pro -Russian narratives do not work, since most citizens of the country are employed by others - they are fighting, volunteering and otherwise working on defense. There was also no protest asset in the forces of the Kremlin.

"Antimaidans" once wanted to organize their Maidan, but at the expense of whom? People from regions with a pro -Russian base were taken to Kiev, and now where will they be brought? From Simferopol, Lugansk or Donetsk? Now even 100 people who would shout the slogans against the president will not be found. No one to take responsibility, take the stage and call people to take Bankova, " - said Yugan.

The propaganda machine of the Russian Federation used protest throwing to destabilize the situation in Ukraine at the beginning of a full -scale invasion. On safety issues, Lieutenant General of Foreign Intelligence Service Vasyl Bogdan. The President simply informed the citizens to make them more attentive. The enemy does not sleep and continue the subversive actions, "-notes the expert.

The Russian Federation is well aware of the inability to arrange" Maidan-3 "now, but launches a" duck "to doubt doubts about the world community regarding political unity in Ukraine. " Russian forces are, they are, they are, they are Deeply conspired and the agency is valid. But there is no soil for the revolution in Ukraine and it cannot be, "Bogdan summed up. The full -scale war with Russia moves to the political and economic planes as the situation at the front in the front is stabilized.

That is why the Kremlin decided to act politically, according to Ukrainian political scientist Petro Oleshchuk. "Maidan-3" is respectively based on political and propaganda tools, so pro-Russian supporters in Ukraine can use the situation in society, "he explains focus. Open slogans for reunification with Russia will no longer be heard, but preparation for public riots in Ukraine- It may well go. The question of the success of Moscow's plans remains.

For many years, they have promoted the idea with the 2014 State Air and invested a huge funding in its propaganda. They want to finish this story somehow and turn everything back, "-summed up the political scientist. Recall that the State Bureau of Investigation reported on October 4, the completion of the investigation into the shot of the Heavenly Hundred. The former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych was found guilty of murder.