
Protect from the occupiers from the water: in Ukraine created the RB "storm" for boats (photo)

Technical development will protect the Ukrainian military and equipment from shocks of FPV-pings and drones carrying ammunition, thus reducing the loss of attacks of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces. In Ukraine, the developers of antitrone systems from Mukachevo Antidrone. CC have created a moisture -proof dome type "storm" to install a boat. Photo of the product creators posted in their Telegram channel on Sunday, January 7.

According to engineers, this dome ride is strong and tight, and it is protected from rain and splashes of water. It is a rectangular device on a magnetic platform with antenna. When used in hostilities, special attention should be paid to the power sources, as standard "cigarette lighters" and other low -power units are not suitable. Also, the storm cannot operate with the Ecoflow charging and portable station, but interacts with a 24V onboard voltage.

The antitrone system protects the equipment and live force from the operation of FPV-pings and drones with a system of discharge of ammunition. We will remind, in November 2023 it became known that in Ukraine created a unique system of detection, which "sees" Russian UAV for 15 km. The idea of ​​creating a system of detection arose from developers in February 2023. The purpose was to make modern equipment to detect the enemy drones at a long distance.