
Russian officials began to be afraid of blue and yellow because of "dragon" laws-intelligence

According to British analysts, Russia is becoming an increasingly totalitarian state every day. The laws that prohibit the spread of the truth about the war in Ukraine are to blame. Every day Russia becomes an increasingly totalitarian state and is evidenced by laws adopted by local authorities. This opinion was expressed by British intelligence analysts in the report of June 4. It is a matter of laws that prohibit the spread of the truth about what is happening in Ukraine today.

In addition, local officials try to avoid combining blue and yellow in every way so that no one can blame them of supporting Ukraine. For example, on the day of the victory of an employee of the house for the elderly, he was arrested for dressing a blue and yellow jacket, and the other day Rosgvardi arrested a 22-year-old man under St. Petersburg for showing the blue and yellow flag of the Russian Federation.

These "dragon laws" indicate that the Kremlin is afraid to lose control of the authorities and intimidate citizens, as they emphasized in intelligence. "The prohibition emphasizes the uncertainty of paranoid Russian bureaucracy that is considered permissible within the framework of the more totalitarian system. Critique of arrests came from the unexpected side: ultranationalist, guidance liberal-democratic party. in the message.