
Water Loss: How the Armed Forces will protect the coal fired on three sides (map)

The capture of the village of Vodyane opens the Russian army to move closer to the coal. Previously, the city was attacked only from the south, and now the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation appeared ways to bypass from the East and North. The focus understood how the invaders will continue. The DeepState analysts team declares the occupation by Russian troops of the village of Vodyane, Donetsk region and promotion to Grodivka of the Pokrovsky district.

The capture of the Water opens the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to move closer to the coal from the north, the city risks being under fire control on three sides. The Ukrainian side did not comment on the loss of the settlement at the time of the material. The Russian Defense Ministry did not report on the "successes" of occupation groups. The tactical successes of the Russian army in the Ugelar area are ascertained by British military intelligence.

In addition to Vodyany, the village of Prychistivka west of the city was captured. The defense department is convinced that in the near future Russian forces will make another attempt to capture the coal. Russian publications point out that the main task of the army of the Russian Federation in the area will be the cutting of the route from Vodovlenka, the village of Volnovakha district. The main line of supply of the city goes by the specified way.

From the water to the route the troops of the Russian Federation remain about five kilometers. The approach of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to the route "Coal-Bogovlenko" actually means the operational environment of the coal: the logistics of the Armed Forces will occur only by the guides, and in the fall they will turn into continuous dirt.

Neighboring with a carbon road through mine # 3 has already been cut off, as well as the route 0524 from Konstantinovka, the Russian Publisms say. The promotion of the invaders in these areas was accelerated after part of the Armed Forces was transferred from the coal direction to the defense of Selidovo, Ukrainian, Mirnograd and Minek, reported in the military. The danger to the coal after the capture of the water is also the co -founder of the Deepstate project Roman Pogorely.

The Russian army will try to enter the route "Village-Water-Konstantinovka", in this area constant fighting is ongoing. Having received control of the road, the invaders will promote the rear of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. "The probable and logical next step after the capture of the water - the approach to the Epiphany. The south of the water is strategic heights, they will also be taken.

It is important to understand that in addition to the threat of physical access to the operational space under the Epiphany of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will receive fire control. The area of ​​the lesion will be expanded with artillery, ”the expert explains. Another option is to increase the pressure from Pavlovka, the southern settlement. The coal area becomes a hot and critical battle point, the Deepstat co -founder emphasizes.

According to the coordinator of the group "Information Resistance", military expert Alexander Kovalenko, from the beginning of a full -scale invasion of the Russians attacked the coal only from the south, but suffered significant losses. The assault was thrown twice destroyed the 155th Brigade of the Marines of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Now the Russian command has focused on the advance to the highway 0532 "Marinka - Coal", not on the storming of the city in the forehead one logistics artery. As soon as they take control, the conditions for a new wave of the offensive on the coal from the north, east and south will appear, the expert explains the focus. Attacks in three directions will greatly complicate the Armed Forces process of the defense of the coal.

From the Water Army of the Russian Federation can move to the west, in parallel forming flanks. According to the military analyst, the full environment of the city is far from: the Russian army also needs to control Western logistics. "The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation prepare comfortable conditions for the city, the process can take up to two months," Kovalenko summed up. We will remind, Russian troops have almost noon show activity in the Kurakhiv direction for about a week.